
COVID-19 Update (13.05.20)

COVID 19 Update (13.05.20)

See update from British Rowing

Given further clarification of the UK Government’s advice, we advise that Affiliated Clubs may, if they wish/are able to, allow members to use club/shared boats (in addition to private boats) from their facilities subject to:

  • having a club plan in place to support safe access to and use of equipment (e.g. boats/blades). This must follow all relevant Government guidance including hygiene and social distancing; and,
  • continuing to follow all relevant UK Government and/or waterway authority restrictions.

British Rowing is pleased that restrictions are starting to be lifted to allow people back on the water but we believe all rowers and clubs must act in both the spirit and to the letter of the Government guidance to protect the health of the rowing community, other rivers users and the wider public.

It’s important to remember that this is not at all a return to normal operations or club activities – only the absolute minimum necessary areas of clubs should be opened and only to facilitate access to boats and equipment.

We appreciate that many of you will be eager to get back on the water but we would ask you to be patient with your club and provide time for them to put in place the right measures to keep you and the rest of your club safe. Please bear in mind that planning and implementing these measures for safe access to the club may take time and your club’s volunteers are likely to have other priorities that they need to manage as well. Please wait for your club to let you know the specific arrangements they have in place.

Read the full release