COVID-19 Update (17.07.20)
Return to Rowing Guidance
See update from British Rowing
British Rowing have this evening released an update to their coronavirus advice: Return to Rowing V4.2 guidance documentation. This update to the advice is effective as of 25 July.
“British Rowing has made a submission to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in relation to the ‘teamsport’ aspects of rowing. This submission relates particularly to crew boats in a rowing context. We are currently awaiting feedback from the DCMS review of this proposed advice and will publish as we are able to.
This guidance has been released following the government advice updates, 09 July, to assist the rowing community in its planning for its return to rowing.”
BR remains in Phase C

Key points in version v4.2:
- Mixed household boats are not permitted, subject to BR plans submitted
- Competitions are not permitted, subject to BR plans submitted
- Changing rooms should remain closed
- Gyms, indoor training, bars and catering facilities can be opened subject to them being COVID-Secure. You may find this is not a sensible option for your club.
- New and update links to guidance and external documentation.
- Ensuring your log of people attending the club can accessed for 21 days if needed for NHS Track and Trace.