BR Tour 2020 – Postponement
Postponement of Recreational Tour 2020
Please see below on behalf of the Recreational Committee
Dear Tourer,
We have held off formally updating you on this year’s tour while we assessed the developing situation and firmed up possible alternatives. The large group we typically have on the tour with associated accommodation, meals and travel poses serious problems in itself, added to which we have the fundamental issue that we row in coxed crew boats – for which there is no solution on the horizon yet.
We have therefore decided to postpone the event and have planned a new date of 29th July to 1st August next year.
This is earlier than usual, driven by the timing of the tides for the Teddington to Putney leg.
The format will be the same and The Lensbury Club have agreed to hold this year’s price for accommodation and meals.
Those who have paid deposits for this year can of course be refunded.
In place of this year’s event we will be publishing a virtual tour over the route which we would encourage you to do. This will give some interesting background to the points of interest and for those not familiar some training on coxing the Tideway. We propose to have a quiz on the Saturday evening (30th August) for you to test your knowledge.
Please register interest here and “Joining instructions” for the virtual tour and quiz will be emailed and posted on the Recreational Rowing website in August.
We hope you are keeping well and managing to get on the water somehow.
Best wishes
John & Caroline Turnbull