
Four Nation Indoor Rowing Challenge, Round Two.

One Minute Rowing Challenge

Today, British Rowing have announced a second joint 4 nation indoor rowing challenge

Together with Rowing Canada Aviron, Rowing Australia and Rowing New Zealand British Rowing announced the Row to the Moon Challenge, a joint initiative for indoor rowers across the respective nations.

What is the challenge?

Following the success of the One Minute Challenge earlier this month, a new challenge to row to the moon as been announced. the gial of the challenge is to row the 384.4 million metres from Earth to the Moon as one single community of rowers.

How do I take part?

Everyone can take part between 06.00 Thursday 21 May until 06.00 Sunday 31 May (BST). Simply row as often you which and for as long as you wish then log your distances on the live web platform. You can pre-register for the event now.

View the full announcement on the BR site