NWSC Opening
National Water Sports Centre – Regatta Lake
Please see the note from Jack at NSWC
Dear All,
First, I would like to thank everyone that has supported us through the closure, and came down to the lake during the weekend. As a reminder the initial opening times are Monday, Thursday and Friday 4.00-7.30pm and Saturday and Sunday 7.00-12.00noon.
Now that we have had some time to reflect on how last weekend went, I am writing to you to;
Detail some of the rules, all in line with British Rowing guidance on the return to rowing (please find a copy attached for the ‘version 3’ which we are using now as the best guidance).
Ask for your risk assessments and plans in relation to achieving the guidance within Coronavirus Advice Returning to Rowing.
Detail some of the rules
These are rules that 1. we are choosing to highlight from the Coronavirus Advice Returning to Rowing (from British Rowing) to clarify the sites position 2. we have created to achieve social distancing measures 3. we have created to minimise the risk of a surveillance boat being launched therefore breaking the social distancing rule.
We do expect all users to operate in line with the British Rowing Guidance and also Government guidance, which can be supported by following the rules below for NWSC:
- In order to achieve government guidance a maximum of six people can arrive for organised club activities at once, there must be a gap of 30 minutes before another group can arrive.
- In order to minimise the possibility of a two man launch the circulation pattern will be up lane 8 and down lane 0 (with the option to use lane 1).
- In order to achieve social distancing measures on the forecourt, parking of vehicles and trailers will be restricted to marked club areas, no other parking (vehicles and trailers) will be permitted on the forecourt. Overflow and non club parking will take place in the grounds compound.
- In order to minimise the possibility of a two man launch, Junior rowers must be accompanied by coaches / bank support in a ratio of 3:1.
- In order to achieve social distancing measures only single/double crafts can be used. In the case of doubles a club must sanction the use based on government household/bubble guidance at the time of use and inform NWSC as such.
As the guidance changes from central government and National Governing bodies of sports, we will of course update our guidance and rules.
Ask for you risk assessments and plans in relation to achieving the guidance within Coronavirus Advice Returning to Rowing (from British Rowing)
Please can I request that you send your Risk Assessments and Plans for operating at this stage including the use of boat bays. I will need these by the end of the day on Wednesday 17th June.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for clarification or if you have any questions.
Thank you
Jack Garner
Contract Manager